About Me

If you’re a busy technology executive with little time for extensive exercise programs or complex dietary protocols but still want to lose a few pounds as well as enjoy a healthy and long life with increased energy levels, we can help.
It’s important for me to know if you came to this site because you:

Have generally succeeded in all areas of your life so it is frustrating to experience anything other than success with your health, weight or energy levels

Have tried programs that don’t seem to appreciate or accommodate your frenetic schedule

Are on track toward future career success and want to live longer so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor

Have a demanding schedule that requires more energy than you currently possess

Want a holistic approach to health and wellness that will incorporate life and career coaching from someone who knows the tech sector

The great news is that if any of the above apply to you, then you’re in the right place.

I’m Tim Cooke, founder and CEO of Primal Ready and it’s my goal to ensure that the success you’ve worked so diligently for in the tech sector is paralleled by optimal health and energy levels.

My entire career has been spent within the technology industry starting with rollouts of new technologies such as Palm Pilots (I’m dating myself) in the 90s (I’m dating myself), Telco in the 2000s and in the 2010s working with Microsoft, HPE, Bluetooth, Apptio, Concur and others on their marketing and training initiatives. I know the demanding schedule you keep and I know the toll it can take on your health, especially if you travel regularly. You’re smart and you likely know the basics of what you could or should do to improve your health, but just as Russel Wilson wouldn’t dream of winning a Super bowl without a coach just because he knows all the things he should do, you would do well by having someone by your side with your vested interest in mind.

The great news is that if any of the above apply to you, then you’re in the right place.

You know the term “hack” within the context of software, but have you considered it outside the realm of technology? I’m what’s called a Biohacker and in addition to private health coaching, I run the Eastside Biohackers meetup. My journey started originally with simply wanting to extend my physical capabilities during ‘Weekend Warrior’ type trips such as climbing Mt. Rainier, completing the Escalante Trail in Grand Canyon in two days, climbing Mt. Whitney, completing a full Ironman…etc. and that journey has led me to unlocking a much broader array of human performance characteristics that are opened not only through nutrition and exercise but a wide variety of lifestyle changes. And many of the changes are ridiculously simple requiring very little effort or expense.


You’re very intelligent and you could do the same research that I’ve done, but you should consider the optimal path to performance and results and hiring a coach will get you to your desired results much more efficiently and effectively than on your own.

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