Get Ready to Upgrade!

Your work requires you to be at peak performance levels. Our ancestors’ lives were at stake if they didn’t perform at peak levels. We try to access energy through modern convenience foods and exercise regimes. They didn’t have either, yet they were capable of feats we couldn’t imagine. Get ready to be blown away by the potential you have to unlock endless energy stores to last the long work day without sugar, caffeine or carbs…AND, still have enough energy to be a Rockstar at home!


We were created to thrive on this planet prior to the advent of advanced technology. Technological advances have helped increase our ‘lifespan’ but in many ways, have led to decreases in our ‘healthspan’. Our lifespans have increased largely due to an increase in our ‘diseasespan’. We utilize scientific studies that have reverse engineered what works and what doesn’t within optimal human potential.


Optimal body composition is achieved primarily through what you eat and when you eat it. Most fad diets are effective for some period or time but produce long term effects that leave you worse off than when you started. I’ll teach you why and how to avoid it by utilizing proven principles-based nutrition guidance instead of strict diet regimes.


Keto (short for ketosis) is all the rage right now and I’m a proponent, however, going straight from being sugar and carbohydrate dependent as most Americans are straight to keto would be like filling your car up with jet fuel prior to modifying the engine to be able to take advantage of the higher octane. Similarly, you first need to become ‘fat-adapted’ prior to going keto. I’ll show you how.

Get Primal Ready

High performance is all you’ve known through your academic and career journey so why settle for sub-optimal success with your health and energy levels? Living at your optimal performance takes a holistic approach and while it’s true that you are smart enough to figure this out, you’re also smart enough to know that it’s far more effective to hire a health coach to accelerate you toward your health goals.
Not only will I efficiently share with you the knowledge you need to reach your goals, but I will…

Pick a Starting Point Below

No matter where you are on your personal health journey we can help you reach your goals through proven practices and packages that have worked for others. If you don’t see what you need below, reach out and let us know your unique goals and we can discuss a program suited to your specific needs.

Why Primal Ready?

If you’re a busy technology executive with little time for extensive exercise programs but still want to lose a few pounds as well as enjoy a healthy and long life, we can help.
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